Rule A9-3-1 (required, implementation, partially automated)

Member functions shall not return non-const “raw” pointers or references to private or protected data owned by the class.


By implementing class interfaces with member functions the implementation retains more control over how the object state can be modified and helps to allow a class to be maintained without affecting clients. Returning a handle to data that is owned by the class allows for clients to modify the state of the object without using an interface. Note that this rule applies to data that are owned by the class (i.e. are class-data). Nonconst handles to objects that are shared between different classes may be returned.

See: Ownership.


Classes that mimic smart pointers and containers do not violate this rule.


// $Id: A9-3-1.cpp 289436 2017-10-04 10:45:23Z michal.szczepankiewicz $
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
class A
explicit A(std::int32_t number) : x(number) {}
// Implementation
GetX() noexcept // Non-compliant - x is a resource owned by the A class
return x;

std::int32_t x;
void Fn1() noexcept
A a{10};
std::int32_t& number = a.GetX();
number = 15; // External modification of private class data
class B
explicit B(std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr) : sharedptr(std::move(ptr)) {}
// Implementation
std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> GetSharedPtr() const

noexcept // Compliant - sharedptr is a variable being shared between
// instances


return sharedptr;


std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> sharedptr;

void Fn2() noexcept
std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr = std::make_shared<std::int32_t>(10);
B b1{ptr};
B b2{ptr};

*ptr = 50; // External modification of ptr which shared between b1 and b2

// instances
auto shared = b1.GetSharedPtr();

*shared = 100; // External modification of ptr which shared between b1 and

// b2 instances
class C
explicit C(std::int32_t number)
: ownedptr{std::make_unique<std::int32_t>(number)}
// Implementation
const std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t>& GetOwnedPtr() const
noexcept // Non-compliant - only unique_ptr is const, the object that
// it is pointing to is modifiable
return ownedptr;
const std::int32_t& GetData() const noexcept // Compliant

return *ownedptr;


std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> ownedptr;

void Fn3() noexcept
C c{10};
const std::int32_t& data = c.GetData();
// data = 20; // Can not modify data, it is a const reference
const std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t>& ptr = c.GetOwnedPtr();

*ptr = 20; // Internal data of class C modified


See also

MISRA C++ 2008 [7]: Rule 9-3-2 Member functions shall not return non-const handles to class-data. JSF December 2005 [8]: AV Rule 112: Function return values should not obscure resource ownership.