Rule A18-1-3 (required, implementation, automated)

The std::auto_ptr type shall not be used.


The std::auto_ptr type has been deprecated since the C++11 Language Standard and is removed from the C++17 Language Standard. Due to the lack of move semantics in pre C++11 standards, it provides unusual copy semantics and cannot be placed in STL containers. The correct alternative is std::unique_ptr, which shall be used instead.


// $Id: A18-1-3.cpp 289436 2017-10-04 10:45:23Z michal.szczepankiewicz $
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
void Fn() noexcept
std::auto_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr1(new std::int32_t(10)); // Non-compliant
std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr2 =
// Compliant
std::vector<std::auto_ptr<std::int32_t>> v; // Non-compliant

See also

HIC++ v4.0 [9]: 1.3.4: Do not use deprecated STL library features. [16]: std::auto_ptr. A1-1-1 in section 6.1.1