Rule A2-7-3 (required, implementation, automated)

All declarations of “user-defined” types, static and non-static data members, functions and methods shall be preceded by documentation.


Every declaration needs to provide a proper documentation. This is compatible with the C++ standard library documentation. This forces a programmer to provide a clarification for defined types and its data members responsibilities, methods and functions usage, their inputs and outputs specification (e.g. memory management, ownership, valid boundaries), and exceptions that could be thrown.


//% $Id: A2-7-3.hpp 305382 2018-01-26 06:32:15Z michal.szczepankiewicz $
#include <cstdint>

void F1(std::int32_t) noexcept; // Non-compliant documentation

std::int32_t F2(std::int16_t input1,
std::int32_t input2);

// Non-compliant documentation

/// @brief Function description
/// @param input1 input1 parameter description
/// @param input2 input2 parameter description
/// @throw std::runtime_error conditions to runtime_error occur
/// @return return value description
std::int32_t F3(
std::int16_t input1,
std::int16_t input2) noexcept(false); // Compliant documentation

/// @brief Class responsibility
class C // Compliant documentation
/// @brief Constructor description
/// @param input1 input1 parameter description
/// @param input2 input2 parameter description
C(std::int32_t input1, float input2) : x{input1}, y{input2} {}

/// @brief Method description

/// @return return value descrption

std::int32_t const* GetX() const noexcept { return &x; }

/// @brief Data member descpription
std::int32_t x;
/// @brief Data member descpription
float y;


See also

JSF December 2005 [8]: AV Rule 129: Comments in header files should describe the externally visible behavior of the functions or classes being documented.
