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Test Driven Development (TDD) is a common best practice when developing software. The idea behind it is to write the unit tests for the software before and during development, instead of afterwards. It has empirically been observed that this leads to shorter development times and less defects in the software.

A common method for TDD is "Red-Green-Refactor". This method consists of a cycle of three steps:

  1. Write a test that covers an aspect of the software you want to develop. If you run the test, it will fail (Red). Notice that also compilation and runtime errors should be considered failure.
  2. Next, write enough business logic to make your test pass (green). Do not write anything else, focus on the small increments.
  3. (If applicable) refactor and apply best practices to iterate to a mature solution.

Repeat until your feature set is completely tested and implemented.

Test Driven Development in Rust

Rust has a convention that makes it particularly easy to practice TDD: The unit tests are usually located in the same file as the business logic. This avoid constant switching between files during TDD development, but also supports during software maintenance, e.g. writing a regression test for a bug-fix.

For this example, I'm using the bubble sort problem from Hackerrank.

The boilerplate code in Rust looks like this:

use std::io::{self, BufRead};

 * Complete the 'count_swaps' function below.
 * The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY a as parameter.

fn count_swaps(a: &[i32]) {


fn main() {
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    let mut stdin_iterator = stdin.lock().lines();

    let n =<i32>().unwrap();

    let a: Vec<i32> =
        .split(' ')
        .map(|s| s.to_string().parse::<i32>().unwrap())


In the following, I will omit the main method, which just reads the stdin input.

Red Phase

To start with TDD, we need to write any test cases at all. For Hackerrank, I usually use the provided examples and sample tests. The example tells, for a given input of [6,4,1], the output of the program shall be

Array is sorted in 3 swaps.
First Element: 1
Last Element: 6

So let's try to input that into an unit test. Note that due to the small scope of Hackerrank exercises, this test already covers the whole business logic. In a real world application, this can (and should) be a much smaller scope.

fn count_swaps(a: &[i32]) {


mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn example() {
        let output = count_swaps(&[6, 4, 1]);

First we create a module named test for a test configuration, meaning it will only be compiled when we explicitly run the tests via cargo test. Within the module, all entities from the outer scope are imported. Lastly, a test function example is created.

But wait, our program takes an array as input, but is required to print to stdout as output. How to test that? The solution to this problem is to refactor and extract the business logic to make it testable independently:

fn business_logic(a: &[i32]) -> (usize, i32, i32) {


fn count_swaps(a: &[i32]) {


mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn example() {
        assert_eq!(business_logic(&[6, 4, 1], (3, 1, 6));

We created a testable method business_logic that returns the three values that should be outputted. With that design, the logic becomes easily testable. Also, we introduced an assertion into our test method, that check equality of the output of business_logic and the provided example solution. Now we can run cargo test and ... experience a compilation error: error[E0308]: mismatched types. This is the "Red" phase of our TDD method, so we're on the right way. Next, let's move to the Green phase and resolve our issue.

Green Phase

To resolve the error we are facing, we need to provide a function body for business_logic that returns a value matching the function signature. We can easily do this:

fn business_logic(a: &[i32]) -> (usize, i32, i32) {
    (3, 1, 6)

Now, we can run cargo test and we can see that the test succeeds. Green phase completed. At this point, we don't need to refactor and can directly move to the next Red phase.

Red Phase

Since it worked so well, we can now implement a second test that checks another provided solution:

    fn example() {
        assert_eq!(business_logic(&[6, 4, 1], (3, 1, 6));

    fn sample_test_case_0() {
        assert_eq!(business_logic(&[1, 2, 3]), (0, 1, 3));

Running cargo test now shows us that something doesn't work as intended: thread 'tests::sample_test_case_0' panicked at 'assertion failed: (left == right). At this point, we should probably start thinking about a proper business logic that solves our problem statement, as (3, 1, 6) will not always be the answer we're searching.

Green Phase

While repeating this pattern for a while, eventually we come up with the following code:

fn business_logic(a: &[i32]) -> (usize, i32, i32) {
    let mut swaps = 0;
    let mut a_vec = a.to_vec();
    for _ in 0..a_vec.len() {
        for j in 0..a_vec.len() - 1 {
            if a_vec[j] > a_vec[j + 1] {
                a_vec.swap(j, j + 1);
                swaps += 1;
    (swaps, *a_vec.first().unwrap(), *a_vec.last().unwrap())

fn count_swaps(a: &[i32]) {
    let (swaps, min, max) = business_logic(a);
    println!("Array is sorted in {swaps} swaps.");
    println!("First Element: {min}");
    println!("Last Element: {max}");

That is one of probably multiple solutions to the problem statement, and we iterated to it using TDD! Also note that, in order to fulfill the requirements of the task, the output should be printed to stdout, which is done in the function count_swaps which serves as entry point for the main logic. That function just calls our internal business_logic and prints the results.

This is a small example how to do TDD in Rust. Again, please note that the scope was rather small and therefore almost no refactoring was necessary. In bigger applications, it is usual to test different aspects of a program and iterate and refactor until the requirements are met.

Test Driven Development in Python

TDD in Python can be done quite similar as in Rust. It is even possible, though not as much of a convention as in Rust, to write unit tests in the same file, next to the business logic. As I mentioned above, I like that approach.

Unlike Rust, there is not one solution to implement and run tests provided by the ecosystem (namely cargo test), though Python offers different modules that can be used. Here, we're relying on unittest. An example how to write unit tests could look like this:

import unittest

def business_logic(a: List[int]) -> (int, int, int):

class BubbleSortTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(business_logic([6, 4, 1]), (3, 1, 6))

Firstly, we have to import the unittest module to use it. Then, we declare a class which inherits from unittest.TestCase. Within that class, we write methods that serve as our unit tests. Note that test method names must always start with test, else they won't get executed as part of the unit test. That way, you can implement helpers in the test class that won't be executed standalone. To run the unit tests, execute: python3 -m unittest, which is the equivalent of cargo test in Rust.

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